Born in New York on 16 January 1933 and grown up in Tucson, Arizona Susan Sontag is a leading critic, novelist and film maker. Susan Sontag wrote a book on photography called 'On Photography' in 1979. Her book is about problems within aesthetic and morals about modern photography and the relationship of photography to art based upon reality and knowledge. The book tells the reader that the camera captures ones awareness of a subject that is being photographed allowing them to feel knowledgeable and as a result seeming powerful. People isolated by words are blind to the fact that knowledge can be gained from photographs too, as the world has been doing to gain knowledge about how the past is and how it looked and how the future is going to be like that is yet still to come. However these photographs are not story or description of the world they are just bits and pieces of reality that can be obtained by anyone. These photographs that people can gain knowledge from are hanged in places as a piece of art which are then bought and sold and can be played around with mucking around with the reality of the world.
- http://www.susansontag.com/SusanSontag/index.shtml
- On Photography, Susan Sontag (book)
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