Sunday 18 April 2010

Cindy Sherman

Sherman is known as one of the most valued photographers in the twentieth century. She is most known for her series of Untitled Film Stills (1977-1980). But after this series for most of her film stills Cindy Sherman has posed for them her self. However these photos will not be seen as self portraits as she is in character playing a part of life of someone else. The simple reason for this is that she wanted to work alone giving her power and controlled situations in her studio. Sherman's images are expressionless making the viewer think about what could be happening around the model in the scene, although they are expressionless you can pick out the themes being illustrated by looking at the lighting, the posture and the props. Sherman decided to make her images expressionless as this was not common to see in the films but strong expressions were seen every where.

The image above called The crying girl (#27) is one of Cindy Shermans images that have the most expression but with a blank face, looking like she has just finished crying. Her eyes give away the expression however the face is yet blank.

.The Complete Untitled Film Stills, Cindy Sherman (book)